November 14, 2011

Rolling Stone Rocks the Facts on the Economy

© Rolling Stone
"From the outset of the Obama presidency, in fact, Republicans have engaged in a calculated, across-the-board campaign to protect the tax privileges of the wealthiest Americans." ~ Rolling Stone

It's possible that I'm just a sucker for a good political piece published in Rolling Stone (I'm old enough to remember when being on the cover of the Rolling Stone was everything it was cracked up to be -- maybe it makes the mag I loved back in the day seem legit, and thus lends legitimacy to my personal sex, drugs and rock and roll phase). It's more likely, though, that I love this grittily good piece of hard news and investigative journalism delivered with just the right edge of eff you flair because it's good.

Michelle Bachmann: Clues That the CIA Doesn't Run the ACLU

Michele Bachmann's mind operates somewhat on the same level as does channel surfing. When flipping channels, you glean a little of this, a bit of that, and can get a small idea of the substance of the programs you're flipping past. This is a good thing when choices are comprised of an Alaskan ex-governor's daughter dancing versus Amateur Chef Smackdown.

Similarly, Bachmann surfs along the surface of life, snagging little bits of kelp while failing to dive into the substance of anything. She gleans a tidbit about any given issue and retains what she needs to back up her anti-choice, anti-worker, pro-nitwit stance of the moment, while discarding the rest as unworthy of her attention -- i.e. letting it sink. This usually works pretty well for her, considering that this shallow knowledge base has been enough to make her a senator and (God help us) a GOP presidential hopeful.


Welcome to the American Liberal blog! So glad to see you. I'm an American, through and through, and I'm a liberal with progressive views. I own a gun. I believe unemployment should be extended. I have ancestors who landed at Jamestown, and ancestors who fought in the American Revolutionary War; I am as patriotic as they come. I am a Democrat and am working hard to help Barack Obama be re-elected. I'm a mother, a parent, a worker, a homeowner, a volunteer, and a voter. I'm an American liberal.