March 17, 2012

Palin and Game Change: Vote For Me; I Know Nothing...

Sad, but true: "Since Palin, though, ignorance has become more than bliss. It’s now an attribute, an entire platform: Vote for me, I know nothing and hate the same things you do." (Via Richard Cohen's "Sarah Palin’s foolishness ruined U.S. politics" -- Washington Post, 3/12/12:

Sarah Palin, the queen of incompetence and political malfeasance, is in the news again (just in time to help re-elect Obama) thanks to HBO's new film "Game Change," airing now on HBO and based on a
segment of the book by the same name. In watching "Game Change," I gave much thought to how vitriol and lies/half-truths entered -- nay, *roared* into -- conservative politics in a frighteningly new way with Palin. Giving her a national voice and influence by lending Palin his own respectability is a shame McCain will have to take to his grave: in Palin's polluted wake, our national conversation has deteriorated. Granted, that's not specifically her fault -- the populace was obviously ripe for a crazy, ignorant conservative and perhaps the candidacies of a woman and a black man on the Dem side fanned the fear in the GOP base to an inferno, the flames of which continue to birth bigoted, misogynistic GOP representatives -- but the film is a good reminder that we must *vote* in order to keep monstrously ignorant people out of office and to re-elevate our national conversation.

Worth watching, by the way, is Palin's delusional "Game Change We Can Believe In," her video rebuttal to the "Game Change" film. It's hosted on her .... site (hard to know what to call, but while you're there, she handily provides a place where one can donate money to support her life... so perhaps best to just call it her begging area on the internet; her piece of the virtual sidewalk where she panhandles while holding up word-salad signs, fortunately located in the trailer park part of town where most of us seldom see her).


  1. Sarah Palin for President! Run Sarah Run! Obama is trampling our constituion and taxing our country to death! This used to be a strong country & could be if Sarah is in charge! You liberals are so afraid of Sarah I am sorry for you to be. Good for you to Know what to be afraid of! Sarah will WIND YOUR CLOCK! Run Sarah Run! This movie is full of lied about a great family the Palins!

  2. I will never wath this movie it is full of LIES from the liberal media! Sarah Palin is a great American. You liberals dont know what it is to Love youre COUNTRY like Sarah does, she is the peoples representative. This is a terrible movie full of LIES. Hollywood is like the liberal media they are so afraid of Sarah. God bless the USA!!!

    1. She quit on her state. She would quit on the USA too. She just in this to make a buck! Great family lol a great bunch of white thrash!
